Monday, March 31, 2014


Two days ago we drove to Brisbane from Coolum and on the way we went to the go carts and kings beach for a swim, but I forgot to bring my togs so I swam in my clothes.  Today is the day that we fly back to Auckland. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Coolum Beach

Yesterday we went to aussie world and went on some fun rides and Olivia and I got these big bags of lollies.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

being taught swimming by a partner

) this is my partner teaching me how to do freestyle swimming better to reach my goal.

Thursday, March 6, 2014



The best part of camp was getting to look at the house and the cottage and explore the Tupare Gardens. It was the best part because the house is where the Matthews family lived, Russell Matthews Mary Matthews and the three kid Matthews.

The worst part of camp was getting skin peeled off of my foot by one of the tire tubes by putting my foot under the metal valve of the tube and Caleb sitting on it.

the most challenging part of camp was finding all the places and items when we were rogaining which is finding items. it was challenging because you had to go all around Tupare looking for all sorts of things.

The most nerve racking (stressful) moment was that at night when I needed to go to the toilet Daniel didn’t want to go outside so I almost peed my pants!

The funniest part of camp was when almost everyone was in their pajamas.

The silliest part of camp was that we went to the toilet in 7 little port-a-loos that turned smelly after a while, and there was a spider in the 2nd one.

I showed curiosity at camp when I was asking how to get into the secret room in the Tupare house.

I showed open-mindedness at camp when I  thought about a new idea for the sheep challenge which was a little game where you get into a team and there is one shepherd and the others are sheep.

I showed persistence at camp when I tried real hard to go to sleep for some extra minutes and then poof I got to sleep and before I knew it, it was 8:00 oclock in the morning.